NonStop Issues

Jimmy Carter Running for President

Issues From The Start

Since the start in 1972, the Iowa Democratic Caucus has been inefficient and almost all attempts to make it more efficient have backfired spectacularly. From introducing the “winner takes all” policy where whoever won a local caucus would count every single person that attended as a supporter, to the current standard of “15% viability” which allowed for more diversity in the statistics, but introduced the issues of disorganization, violent outbursts, and long delays, every time they attempt to fix what is wrong with the caucus, they simply make it worse. However, Iowans still attempt to desperately cling to their first in the nation status for all the benefits it provides, despite their inability to get it right in 48 years.

The Worst Caucus Ever Held

In 2020, the Iowa Democrats managed to hold the most poorly managed, poorly planned, and technically inept caucus in the 48 years that the state has been having them. The issues started with the adoption of a poorly coded app that was supposed to help streamline the process that reported partial and sometimes false data, and snowballed until major publications like the Associated Press were entirely unwilling to accept the results they were given well over a week late. To learn more about the dumpster fire that was the 2020 Democratic Caucus, please see the sections below.

Biden Harris Press Conference